
The Power of Color: How Different CTA Colors Elicit Different Feelings

Now that you know what CTAs are and the importance of having them, it’s time to start talking about how to design them. The biggest element to a great and effective CTA is having an attention grabbing design, and it all starts with the color. Unfortunately, there is no one color that converts more than another, so picking a color relies on how much of a contrast it is to the rest of your website, to really make it pop, or the type of feeling a color promotes.

So, what feelings do the different colors promote? Originally published on the Emma Content Hub, below are the Top 5 colors and the feelings they promote.

  • Blue: Builds Trust and Security- As the most popular color in the world, blue is used when brands want their customers to feel safe and secure.
  • Orange: Encourages Immediate Action- If you want people to sign up, buy or join right away, consider using orange. It is also most associated with cheap or inexpensive things.
  • Green: Promotes Growth and Relaxation- Green is the symbol of go, which can be very powerful when it comes to CTAs. It also is the easiest color for the eyes to process, so it is often used to relax the mind.
  • Red: Increases Energy and Urgency- Red is great if running a sale or limited-time offer as it creates a sense of heightened awareness and urgency.
  • Yellow: Grabs Attention and Creates Low Level Anxiety- Yellow is great for promoting positive feelings (just think about sunshine and lemonade!), yet it causes just enough anxiety to get people to take action without stopping them in their tracks.

The Power Of Color

These are just a few of the colors that can be used for CTAs, and the most important thing to keep in mind is to test your CTAs to see which colors perform best. Try one with a blue background for a week, then again with a red background and see which button received the highest click-through rate. A good CTA entices people to take action, so don’t be afraid to test them out until they do!

What color are you drawn to and provokes you to take action? Do you feel differently about any of these colors than what is mentioned above? We want to hear from you!


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