
Facebook Business Pages Update

As you logged into Facebook this morning, you may not have noticed anything new in your news feed. A friend is celebrating a birthday, someone announced a new job they were offered, and the local news just shared their weather report. But for business pages, a new change in the social network’s algorithm could mean your page updates won’t be seen by followers. Facebook has changed their algorithm to prioritize the activities of friends and family over other types of content from your favorite pages/brands.

The updates on Facebook’s News Feed will push content “you love” to the top. Any photos, videos, status updates or links shared by your friends will be shown before posts by pages. If you still want to see posts from your favorite brands, you will have to go into each page manually and click on the “Like” button.  You will then see a drop down arrow with the option “See First”. If you still want to see posts from Commercial Web Services at the top of your News Feed, you will want to select the “See First” option.  Screen Shot 2016-07-07 at 12.52.06 PM
Facebook was getting complaints from their community that people were missing important updates from their friends and family. There are so many stories that flood Facebook’s News Feed everyday that statuses can easily get missed. Now, you will be able to choose what pages you do and do not want to see updates from.

This new Facebook update brings to light how important Facebook advertising will be for your business page. Let’s be honest, most people do not have enough time in their day to go into every page and click on the “See First” button. The only way to make sure individuals are still seeing posts from your page is to run Facebook Ads. Facebook Ads offer a variety of benefits to your business in reaching new customers. We recently wrote a blog about the 7 different types of Facebook Ad’s we suggest running. Each ad addresses a different goal for your business. Take a look and see which ad is the best fit for you!


Commercial Web Services

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