
Why Use Google+?

Now Facebook and Twitter are two of the largest social sites, and if you aren’t on both, you’re at least on one. But what about Google+? It recently has suprassed Twitter and is now considered the second largest social network. But what benefits does having a presence on Google+ reap for your dealership? Google+ was introduced to […]


Social Media: Must or Bust? Part 1

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, the list goes on and on. With so many outlets, having a social media strategy can seem like a daunting task. But with 72% of US adults using social media, and 74% of consumers saying they rely on social media to make purchasing decisions, it is important for your dealership to […]


Aligning Your Dealership with Your Website

It’s important to stay in touch with your Search specialist as they can help you optimize your dealership. It’s important to keep your website provider in the know of any changes that occur at your dealership. Remember, a successful website is a website that accurately reflects your brick-and-mortar dealership. Some questions to ask yourself: Has […]


SEO Tip: Resist the Urge to Copy and Paste!

In SEO we often stress the importance of adding original content to your website. Having unique content has always been an important factor in ranking well within the Search Engines, but now more than ever, having content directly copied from another source (i.e. another dealership, manufacturer website, wikipedia) can hinder your site’s ability to rank well. While […]


Google Personalizes Search Results

So what does this mean for your dealership’s website?  Google has  introduced a new concept of personalized search results, which means every user will see different results for the same search, if they are logged in to their Google account. Google optimizes this feature by tracking what you like  and visit most when logged into Google. Basically, social […]


Tips for Writing Better Meta Tags

One of the keys to search engine success is creating and formatting good meta tags that clue the search engines in on what you offer as well as act as the bait to get web surfers to click on your site. We are often asked by our customers what to include in the meta tags […]


Get Local: Improving Your Search Visibility

We’re sure you’ve seen it; you do a search in Google, Yahoo or Bing for a product in a specific region and business listings come up next to a map, which usually appear towards the top of the search results.  These are local directory listings and this is why local search has become an important […]