
Using Your Website To Beat The Competition

Here are 7 ways to gauge how your website fairs against your competitors’ websites. Its important that your business utlizes your website to its fullest potential after all, your website is essentially your 24 hour, revenue-generating virtual business. Read article: Online Marketing Metrics to Beat the Competition Online for quick and easy ways to help you improve […]


How Google Alerts Can Help Generate Blog Content

Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on keywords that are relevant to you or your dealership. By having information e-mailed to you on a continual basis, you could leverage Google Alerts as a way to generate ideas for your company blog. This is a helpful article covering Google Alerts […]


Tips for Writing Better Meta Tags

One of the keys to search engine success is creating and formatting good meta tags that clue the search engines in on what you offer as well as act as the bait to get web surfers to click on your site. We are often asked by our customers what to include in the meta tags […]


SEO Tip: Online Reputation Management

Reputation Management is an important part of marketing your business online. Doing a keyword search in the Search Engines for your business name can reveal what customers are saying about your website and business. Managing negative (and positive) customer generated reviews can help with branding your business on the Internet. Ways to manage both positive […]


Importance of Testimonials

Don’t send the wrong message by having a blank “testimonials” page!  A “testimonials” page with no customer reviews could potentially send the wrong message to website visitors and be worse than not having the page available at all. Website testimonials are the online version of “Word of Mouth” advertising. A customer’s review about their positive experiences can help […]