
SEO Tip of the Month!

Claim yourself! Just as you would want to claim your business name, URL, and logo you should claim your online listings from online review sites such as Yelp, Google+, Yahoo! local, Foursquare, etc. Taking control of your business profile on these sites can help keep you on top of the information and reviews listed for your […]


Spring Cleaning and Your Website

Spring has sprung! This means it’s that time of year again to clean out your closets and wash the cars! However, in the midst of all of the spring cleaning, have you thought about cleaning up your website as well? Often websites have a tendency to accumulate clutter over time from adding pages, content, links […]


SEO Tip: Online Reputation Management

Reputation Management is an important part of marketing your business online. Doing a keyword search in the Search Engines for your business name can reveal what customers are saying about your website and business. Managing negative (and positive) customer generated reviews can help with branding your business on the Internet. Ways to manage both positive […]