
Getting Your Website Name Out There

We’re often asked by clients, “What can WE do to help promote our website?” In addition to Search Engine Optimization, there are additional (and easy) tactics that could help bring more traffic to your website:

URL in Your Email Signature – a personal favorite suggestion and strategy. It has all the elements for success – it’s simple, memorable and goes out with EVERY email you send. Also, those receiving your emails will remember that all they have to do to get to your website is open the last correspondence from you.

Example Format:
First & Last Name | Position at Company
Company Name | Street Address | City, State Zip
Phone | email@address.com | www.YourWebsite.com

Forums, Newsgroups or Discussion Boards – participate regularly in any industry related forums or discussion groups, such as Google Groups (groups.google.com) and Yahoo! Groups (groups.yahoo.com). And, just like your email signature, incorporate your website’s URL into the signature of your forum profile. Editing your forum profile signature can usually be found under your account settings.

Radio ads – just a brief mention of your website squeezed into your 30 second radio spot can get music lovers to tune into your business online.

TV ads – this is an opportunity not only to show people your business and its name, but also a chance to visually display where they can learn more about your business online.

Print ads – print advertising is a resource people can have in their hands and refer back to when they want. So why only include your address and phone number? Also include your URL.

Billboards – display your URL for all of the passersby to see!

Include URL on Business cards, Stationery, Letter head, Holiday Cards, Faxes, Checks, Receipts and LiteratureMake sure that all paper literature that displays your business name also displays your company’s URL leaving off the ‘http://’ and only showing ‘www.domain.com.’

Links on Facebook page, LinkedIn profile, Twitter account, etc – Any online profile your company and employees have should include a link to the company website. This makes it easy for those connected to you on these sites to access your website.

Press Releases and emailed Newsletters – Press releases and newsletters usually include a company’s name and contact information at the beginning or end – don’t forget to include that all important company website in this information too so that it is passed along to others in your industry.

Promotional Items and Giveaways – these are a terrific place for your URL because its something a customer can take home with them. So, every time they drink from that mug they won – they’ll be reminded of where to find you online.

Company Vehicles and/or Service Vehicles – most vehicles tend to have the company name and/or logo on the side, hood or truck – why not include your website on there, too? That way while the vehicles are driving around town your website gets some advertising, too.

What are some ways that you get your business web site name out there? We’d love to hear from you!


Commercial Web Services

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