
Five Things to Know Before Using Facebook Timeline

Whether you’re an active user or not, doesn’t it seem like Facebook’s made another change to its platform just about every time you log on? That’s because for businesses, change is inevitable. Which is why flexibility is key for users when it comes to dealing with the Facebook updates and changes. The new Facebook Timeline […]


Facebook's Timeline: The Mandatory 'Facelift'.

Facebook Timeline for personal profiles, introduced September 2011, has recently announced that all non-existing Timeline users will be converted to the Timeline. Are you ready? More users seemed to more distraught than ecstatic, but why? So let’s go back– when the Newsfeed was introduced in 2006, there was a similar uproar and then again when Facebook opened […]


Car Dealers Debating Pros and Cons of Facebook

Often we can look to the auto industry as being ahead of our industry in adoption of technology.  As the auto dealers debate the pros and cons of social media what are the implications for the Equipment industry? I believe there is a lot to be learned. The quandary is that Facebook and other social networking […]