
Customer Testimonial

We want to thank Bobcat of Oklahoma City for taking the time to write this great customer service testimonial. Read below to see how our team is helping dealerships just like yours succeed!

Bobcat of Oklahoma City
I wanted to take a moment to let you know how pleased we have been with the service and support we have received from CWS. Our sites are easy to work in and requests are all taken care of in a timely and professional manner. The design process was fun and easy. I worked with Jake for a few years and he was always quick to respond and such a joy to work with. He helped me in so many ways and taught me so much. Although I miss working with Jake, I know he is using his talents and so proud he has moved forward into something I know he will be amazing at.

Jen took over and she has become a wonderful go to person for me as well. Always pleasant and quick to respond as well. She is helpful and also helps me learn and use the tools we have to the best of our ability. She is patient with me (because I’m quite slow at times) and always has a great sense of humor. She always takes care of me as if I am her only issue for the day and knows I have a million other things on my plate – that means A LOT.

With 3 dealership and more on the way, the websites could really be a thorn in my side – but they are not. The only thing holding me back is me and time – I know she will always be right there with a quick fix or an answer. 

Thank you for providing us with a great team!

-Marketing Coordinator at Bobcat of Oklahoma City


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