
This is How Dealers Are Taking Advantage of Their Winter Downtime

The winter season is notorious for being a little slower for business in most of the equipment and trucking industries. So what can your dealership do to take advantage of this sluggish season? Total Landscape Care published an article with some great areas to consider focusing on.

    1. Clean Shop: To prepare for a more regular stream of customers coming in, get your shop looking squeaky clean. Take the time to really go through each portion of your dealership and look at what can be cleaned and potentially given away. Having a clean and organized business reflects how you run your business, so take advantage of this early “Spring Cleaning.”
    2. Equipment Maintenance: There’s nothing worse than having to repair and do maintenance on your inventory during your busy season. Evaluate and think proactively about what may need to be replaced, repaired, etc., in every piece of inventory you have. This will also save you potential revenue loss if your equipment breaks down, costing your dealership a chance to rent it out, or better yet sell it!
    3. Plan Your Marketing Strategy: Since your marketing strategy can be one of the first things put off for 2018, take this time to catch up and strategize on how to better market your business in 2018. This is especially important for your slow months. Use this downtime  to try some different and creative ways to get more traffic through your door. In January, we posted about some steps to building your marketing strategy, so feel free to take a look there or connect with your CAM to learn about other ways you can better market your business.

Even though the season can be slow, don’t let that deter you from keeping your business occupied. There are so many opportunities to enhance and prepare your dealership for the busy months ahead!


Kelsey Fritz
Kelsey is the Marketing Coordinator at Commercial Web Services where she monitors the latest marketing advancements to better educate dealers on marketing trends that can further their business goals.

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