
Brand Identity: Local Pride

When it comes to who you are as a business, or rather your brand identity, have you considered how incorporating your local culture into your branding could benefit you? Every brand, like every person, is shaped by their environment- the culture they find themselves immersed in. Today we are going to discuss why boasting your […]


Step Four: Content Calendars and Goodbyes

It’s time for your campaign to come to a close. But first, let’s review from last week. You separated your users once more, and sent a “value” and “letting go” email to each group. By now you should have received feedback, and it’s time to once more sort your lists! Starting with those whom you […]


Step Three: Sending Out A Value Email

Hello again. Last week we talked about sending out your “just checking in” email, and this week we will be discussing what to do with the feedback you receive. So, here we go with step three of your inactive email marketing campaign! Once you have sent out your “just checking in” email, it’s time to […]